The Book Excel for Dummies Changed My life
Hi, I’m Mindy Peters. I’m here to teach you how to get comfortable with technology.
I believe that the key to understanding how technology works lies in the combination of two factors; being ready to learn, and finding the right resource that teaches in the way you need to learn.
When I was 26, I had a new job at an events center in Philadelphia. I was eager to prove myself useful, and so when the sales team needed help cleaning up a spreadsheet, I volunteered, despite not knowing much about Excel. I went to the bookstore, picked up Excel for Dummies, figured out how PivotTables work, and within a few days, I was our resident Excel expert.
That lead to more tech projects, including managing a database and sending out email promotions. Over time, I got comfortable learning new technology.
Learning And Teaching Online Platforms
Through a wild set of circumstances, in 2011 I managed to spend an afternoon with my favorite creativity podcaster, at it set me on a path toward the career I have now, as the Solutions Manager for SPI Media. I’ve worked for Smart Passive Income for just shy of a decade—first as a freelancer, then as an employee of the Winning Edits creative agency. When Winning Edits and Smart Passive Income merged in 2019 to create SPI Media, I truly found my dream job.

SPI Media is dedicated to teaching audience building and monetization for online entrepreneurs. My job is to keep all the platforms we rely on—such as ConvertKit for email marketing, Teachable for course sales, and Circle for community building—running smoothly and communicating with each other. I start from scratch each time we bring on a new platform, having to figure out how it works and fits into our complicated business setup.
Just as importantly, my job is to teach what I learn, first to my coworkers and then to our community. Internally at SPI, I train my coworkers through one-on-one sessions, group lunch-and-learns, and through detailed documentation. For the SPI community, I create YouTube videos and hold troubleshooting sessions in our SPI Pro community.
I’ve spent my career teaching others how to learn the technology they need to succeed with their businesses. Let me teach you, too.
It’s Okay to Be Scared
Anything unfamiliar can feel really overwhelming. See that picture of me covered in sawdust at the top of the page? That’s from the first time I used a router. The story behind this photo sums up the philosophy about teaching technology that I mentioned above: You need to be ready to learn and you need to find the right teacher.
I desperately wanted some new shelves for our dining room, and the required width meant they needed to be custom made. But I was afraid to get started.
Despite the fact that I’m a serial maker who regularly tackles new projects, I was really intimidated by learning to use that router. They’re heavy and strong, and I didn’t want to mess up the big expensive pieces of wood. So I avoided the project for a few weeks in the name of “research,” watching YouTube video after YouTube video, overwhelming myself with way too much information.
Finally, I just decided it wasn’t going to get any easier. So after my kiddo went to bed for the night, my husband slowly, patiently walked me through how to use the router. He taught me exactly what I needed to know—nothing extra—and gave me the confidence I needed to make the shelves.
When we were done, he took that photo of me. I felt so proud. I had tackled a fear, learned a new skill, and had fun in the process.
I share all of this with you to let you know that I understand what it’s like to be intimidated by technology. To overwhelm myself with so much information that I’m even afraid to start. And what a relief it can be to find the right teacher.
When it comes to learning how to manage online systems, I’d love to be that teacher for you. If that sounds good to you, sign up for my email list and I’ll help you get started. Just fill out this form:
I look forward to helping you!